Holy cow, that was so fun. He got to climb up on the tanks and personnel carrier. He had a hard time getting up there, but it was worth it. I even got up there on a few of them. I had so much fun too and got lots of photos and some video. My husband was so nice to keep our dogs wrangled so I could take pictures of Cody. We even got a few shots with our dogs up on one of the tanks. They had just as much fun as I did. LOL

This day meant a lot to me and I am so glad we got to go out as a family and do something like this. We normally do not. We stay at home and stay shut in our rooms because we are not social people anymore. We are not accepted into alot of groups due to the mistakes we have made. I am trying to remedy the mistakes, especially the ones concerning our son. He had to go without me for 21 days at one time due to me being locked up. I know that is nothing compared to most, but it was too long for me. I was in solitary for 21 days because I had one Xanex in my purse that was not mine. I did not even remember it was in there since I don't take them. A friend gave it to me because I was upset one day and thought I needed one. Needless to say, I threw it in my bag and never thought about it until the police officer that was searching my bag for illegal drugs says "Is this yours?" And I say "yes". How was I to know it was an illegal drug since I did not take pills or dabble in the pill area of illegal drugs. Huh. Well, come to find out, it was a crime to have that and I went to jail that night. I got lucky. After that, they moved Xanex up to a felony and I got away with a misdemeanor. Whew!!!! I got to see the judge and it was a sentence of 10 days in jail, so "time served". I guess they don't worry about the other 11 days, but hey, like I said, I got lucky. I cannot get that time back and I know that my son was worried about me. Especially since my husband went to jail too that night. At least he was with our friends and he stayed with them the whole time. I cannot help but feel like I failed him that night. Especially since I had just gone to jail for the first time in my life just weeks before that and spent 4 days in jail. I had closed our checking account some years back and had missed a check, so I had a hot check out there that I was unaware of and did not even know there was a warrant for me until I was arrested. So, color me surprised on that day. Ironically enough, that day too my husband was arrested. There was a pattern for us that we went to jail together evidently. Then one night, that changed. Tommy got arrested and I did not. That was one time that he went to jail without me. It was a hell of a lot cheaper to get me out each time though. He was way more expensive than I was. His bonds were way higher each time than mine.
Either way, we both still feel bad about not being there for our son. I thank God that we actually got to get out. I hope I never have to go back. I am afraid that one day Tommy will have to and I do not want that. Still trying to fight one of his arrests. But, that is another story...
Here is a cute video with some of the shots...
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