Wife, Mom, Grandmother (MoMo) and Christian.

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Abilene, TX - Texas, United States

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Been trying to get back into Church...

      Well, my mother-in-law got me motivated to go to the Women's meetings at the church on Tuesdays. Well, I had already felt the urge to go back to church. I feel this yearning to go hear the Word and just go to feel the presence of the Spirit there.  High Mesa Cowboy church is the only church I have felt that. The church we went to before, I did not feel it like this.    
      We are now going to Tuesday night meetings and we are studying from the book The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer.  It is a really good one.  At first it seems like a lot of stuff to cram in there, but it really makes you think and try to learn.  Right now I have this burning inside where I want to learn but I have to reign it in for now and take it slow.  I yearn to learn more and more each day and my husband is more laid back and tells me to put the books and computer away and just let it be.  I have to do as he wishes and try to decipher what I have learned but it is so hard for me.  I am not capable of learning like him.  I have to see it, write it and hear it.   I have to press it into my brain and then see if I left a big enough etch to make it stay or I have to brand it in there.  I'm not kidding.  I have to go over it a few times to make it stay, so to speak.
     We are also working a little project for me.  It is a small hinged piece of wood that I found and I do not know if it came from a box or if is a book cover of some kind.  

     I am imagining it is an antique bible cover.  I am sanding it down and am I am going to stain it and us my wood burner and burn some phrases or passages into it. The problem is which ones.  I have this theme running through my head of GRACE.  I have been on this since I was in jail.  That is what kept me going.  Just looking at my dog-eared, extremely used Recovery Bible they gave me in jail.  You can see where I have put the word GRACE on the outer part of the exposed pages so that everyone can see that I am here now because of God's grace.  In each letter of GRACE, I put each member of my family.  Granted, I had nothing to do for 21 days in solitary but read, I had time to read almost the whole bible and learn as much as I can. While I was in there, I also put every passage that I read that had GRACE in it in the front of that bible.  I am still having a hard time trying to decide which one since I keep finding more and more when I go back and read or when I just read more scripture.  This "hunt" so to speak means a lot to me and my husband is being very helpful in trying to find that perfect one.  I will let you know when we find it.  To be continued...

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