Well, turns out Cody had a good day after all the fiasco yesterday morning. I was extremely worried. But, as usual, our boy bounced back and conquered. Hallelujah!!
Cody says he will end up liking this bigger, different school. I hope.
I pray that he can make friends and keep the drama low in his group of friends. Here lately, there is drama everywhere.
Well, I guess that person who wants to kill me is biding their time. She keeps texting me and taunting me to let me know she is either going to whoop my ass ads or kill me. I just have to ignore all the horrific texts and name calling. I will not plat her game and respond. I get very angry and it makes me sad that someone can be so hateful to me. I knew she was like this, but this is so very wrong. I knew how she could be to others since I have witnessed it to people I don't know and even Tommy's and my family. I should have been prepared for the nasty, horrible person that I saw yesterday. I will not be around this person nor let my son be around her. She only sets a bad example each time we see her and she will not take it out on us. I'm not perfect by any means, but I only did what my husband told me to do and that is it. I will not let her run over me. I was so sick yesterday from her words. Tommy said not to let it bother me and that she does it on purpose and that she was wrong in everything she was saying. If she had been nice from the beginning and not insulted me for the last 2 weeks prior to us moving, she would not have had to clean the house we moved out of. I would have done it properly when I had the time. She does not care that I have responsibilities that I have also. It does not all revolve around her and that is where she got mad that I did not bow down to her and jump when she thought I needed to. I ain't nobody's bitch and she now knows it. I have bent over backwards for her also and have done numerous things for her. I know she helped us out, but she don't have to throw it in my face constantly. That is what makes me the maddest. I will not understand why someone says they want to help, but when you ask for help or they actually do help that they look down on us and treat us like shit. She ain't any better than me or should I say she isn't any better than me. She should not try to think she is perfect. I know better and have caught her in too many lies. It's disgraceful the way she lies about her husband and to her husband. I will not be a part of that.
Well, there I went into a rant again. I am just trying to talk it out and get it off my chest. I'm hopefully going to get this all behind us.
I'm praying it all blows over.
God bless.