Wife, Mom, Grandmother (MoMo) and Christian.

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Abilene, TX - Texas, United States

Friday, January 15, 2016

Down and Out

We have never been this far down before. I am hoping we can get back from this. We have no job, no place to live. I am filling out appilcations left and right and applying for jobs all over central texas and trying to get some sort of housing for us. I just don't know what I am doing. I am sick and just feel like crap. Every morning I wake up to my eye matted shut and my left ear hurts so badly. What can I do? I feel like such an idiot. My husband is sick and has a toothache that is horrible. He is driving me crazy with the pain and I cannot help him. My mother-in-law is not helping trying to make us fight and drive us further apart and making me look bad at every turn. Why are we even here? She asked us to live with her to help or make us look bad? Idk. I am trying but at every turn there is an obstacle. I am tired of not being the way we were when we had jobs and a future. Now, I feel worthless and like I am nothing, an embarrassment. I feel like my child is embarrassed by me when I try too hard. I know he is embarrassed when has to defend me to his grandparents. What can I do? Guess I will call 211 and cry.

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